Our next meeting is March 11, 2025- 6:30 PM.
In March, we'll have a speaker - they'll also bring orchids. We'll have a show table, rafflle and snacks. Bring cash or a check.
For albums of our Member's Gardens.
We love to show off our gardens.
If you have any pictures, send them to me and I'll include them on our FB page.
A fun FB page from a new member is ORCHAHOLICS ANONYMOUS
Watering Your Indoor Orchid - when and how should I water it?
We often are asked where we find orchids and orchid supplies.
These are a few of our local vendors. If you'd like to be added to our list, please let us know.
Florida Orchid Vendors (pdf)
DownloadYou must use a password to access this file.
Files coming soon.
You can get data on local and country-wide orchid shows and events, information on growing, etc. at this site. www.aos.org This is a great organization for learning much about orchid growing. You'll also receive a monthly magazine with many helpful articles about orchids. A bargain for $45 per year.