Our next meeting is January 14th - 6:30 PM.
December is our Holiday Buffet Dinner. We're all bringing something to share - you'll receive an email with what we have so far. Hope you'll attend - always a fun meeting..
For albums of our Member's Gardens.
We love to show off our gardens.
If you have any pictures, send them to me and I'll include them on our FB page.
A fun FB page from a new member is ORCHAHOLICS ANONYMOUS
Watering Your Indoor Orchid - when and how should I water it?
We often are asked where we find orchids and orchid supplies.
These are a few of our local vendors. If you'd like to be added to our list, please let us know.
Florida Orchid Vendors (pdf)
DownloadYou must use a password to access this file.
Files coming soon.
You can get data on local and country-wide orchid shows and events, information on growing, etc. at this site. www.aos.org This is a great organization for learning much about orchid growing. You'll also receive a monthly magazine with many helpful articles about orchids. A bargain for $45 per year.